Mike’s Band Daze!

Here is a video of the Band I was in back in the 90’s called Strychnine with our self-titled song “Strychnine” which was released on cassette tape. Yes I said cassette tape. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel and let me know what you think.

Day 365/365 – The Final Photo of 2011

Last year around this time I was getting ready to embark on a photo journey. Little did I know this would teach me more about photography that I could ever imagine. Even though this was a lot of work, this was really fun. I was able to take my passion of photography and do something with it every single day of 2011. My goal was to have fun and learn, and that’s exactly what I did.

Another cool thing about this project is that I can look back at all the photo’s and associate each day of the year with what I was feeling at that specific moment. How often are you given the opportunity to do that.

I want to thank everyone for their Facebook likes, their comments and the wonderful words. I have seen comments from familiar people, and comments from people I know but haven’t seen in over 20 years. It’s great to know that this project was seen by so many of my friends.

I hope to take what I’ve learned and make a business out of it. Photography (along with Technology) is my passion, and doing what you love doesn’t feel like work at all.

Please check out and click the LIKE on my Facebook photography page at www.facebook.com/miketartagliaphoto. Also, please drop by at www.miketartaglia.com which will be redesigned soon since I will have some extra time on my hands.

This final photo is a mosaic of myself with all the photo’s that I have taken in the project. If you are interested in any high quality prints of the photo’s that were taken during the project, please contact me. And keep me in mind for your family or self portraits, holiday and special occasions. To get a great deal on a photo-shoot, you can mention Project 365.

Happy New Year!


Day 364/365 – Happy New Year 2012!

There is a reason why I posted this photo early. I have a special one lined up for the finale of this project, but I didn’t want to leave out my wife’s wonderful art work on our kitchen chalkboard which should be the last photo.


Day 361/365 – What The Flarp?

Here is a photo of one of the many things Santa left for my kids in their stocking. It’s noise putty that’s called FLARP. It makes sounds when you squeeze or squish it. It resembles the sounds of flatulence. I was very temped to attach a sound bit of it to this post, but I didn’t 😉 It’s actually quite funny, so I’ll leave it up to you to search Youtube.
