Day 149/365 – Flower Shot at Parents 1/3

I took a few shots of flowers at my parents house today. I will post one a day for this sub-project. Here is the first one I selected. Since my DSLR camera is still in the shop, I used my iPhone for this. The key to taking a good photo with an iPhone is having plenty of light. Being outside using the sun’s natural light helps the iPhone tremendously. I am really getting into post processing, so I sharpened this up, and brought out some of the color. Let me know what you think.


Day 147/365 – Waste Not, Want Not

Here lies a bagel. It didn’t stand a chance against the enamel of my daughters teeth and the neglect thereafter. If only I got there a little sooner, I could have eaten the rest of it. Now once delicious bagel covered in this buttery substance, may you rest in pieces as you journey through my sink’s garbage disposal.

Day 146/365 – 500 Degrees

Today was a perfect day to cook burgers on the grill. As I was cooking, I figured I would take a snap shot of the thermometer on the front of the grill. 500 degrees? Wow that’s hot! I got so close to the grill with my iPhone that I thought it was going to melt out of my hands.