Day 20/365 – Our Dog Bindy

We rescued Bindy last year and gave her a great home. So I thought it is only appropriate to share this with everyone! She was used for breeding and left in the country to fend for herself. Who does this? What kind of sick twisted individual would neglect an animal like that? We found her through I had them on the you can find the show at…inder if you are interested in what they do. I believe I had them on prior to finding Bindy.  

Day 14/365 – Circle of Squinkies

By the title of this post, you may be thinking “Mike has lost his mind”, but if you have young kids, Squinkies are toys. I got home from work today and my daughter Jenna, almost 5 years old had this scene all set up. Of course my wife lit the candle, but Jenna set it all up. I think I actually inspired a 5 year old. What a great feeling that is!  

Day 13/365 – Candlelight

I wanted to show a single flame and not the actual candle. I was able to darken everything but the flame. I need to practice more with flame photography. Let me know what you think. If you have suggestions on how to take better flame photo’s, please let me know.