Archive for April 2011
Day 110/365 – Jenna and Daddy
We took the kids to Chuck E’ Cheese today in celebration of my wife’s birthday. I took a photo of me and Jenna with my iPhone’s front facing camera which turned out very grainy. With a little help from Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, I was able to make the photo look pretty decent. Let me know what you think.
Day 109/365 – Where The Heck Is The Bat Pole?
I found this Robin supervising it’s offspring while they gathered twigs for their nest. Even this daddy can get his children working. What am I doing wrong? I refuse to feed my kids like they do however.
Day 108/365 – RC Jumping
My son and I have started a new hobby. It is remote controlled truck racing. In this photo, the truck is jumped by Ryan, 7 years old and the photo was taken by me. It was a great jump with only one shot taken. Not the clearest picture, but then again, the jump was spectacular.
Day 107/365 – Mostly Cloudy
Today there were a lot of neat looking clouds. When I was a kid I would look at the clouds and try to figure out what they look like. I could always match them with something in my mind. What does this one look like to you?
Day 106/365 – Pre-Bloomed Hyacinth
I took this photo the other day with my iPhone. I figured I get some shots of plants right before they bloom. I will take another shot of this one when it blooms fully.
Day 105/365 – The Pondering Duck
Take a look at this lucky duck! He seems to be pondering something. Maybe you can help me figure out what the duck (WTD) this duck is thinking.
Day 104/365 – 5, 6, Pick Up Sticks
My kids saw me go outside with my camera, so they decided to build something out of sticks. I’m not sure what it is, if you can help me figure that out, I would appreciate it.
Day 103/365 – MMMMmmmmm Pasta
Ya gotta love the spaghetti. That’s all I have to say!
Day 102/365 – That’s My Boy!
This afternoon, my sons Cub Scout Pack (Pack 70 of Worcester Massachusetts) learned how to use a compass during a hike. From the photo you may notice my son wearing one work glove. Although he has some great moves, he is not taking after the late King Of Pop. The scouts were tasked to clean up trash that they found in the conservation land. There was a lot of paper, wrappers, cans, and all kinds of other trash items that made me kind of disgusted. My son loved cleaning up the environment. He made me proud today. From this photo, you can see that he was proud as well.
Way to go buddy!
Day 101 – Spring Has Sprung
Today was the first true day of Spring. The temp was in the low to mid 70’s and it was so nice. There isn’t any nice landscapes to photograph yet, but it’s only a matter of time. So I took a photo of this little guy marking today April 11, 2011 the first true day of Spring.