Day 141/365 – Pay Phone?

Today my son Ryan was selling American flags to raise money for his scout pack, Pack70 of Worcester Massachusetts. He started playing with this pay phone that was nearby. I figured I probably would never see him ever using one for real, so I took the shot. I can’t believe that there are still pay phones in existence. When I was Ryan’s age, a local phone call was 10 cents. The phone Ryan was using said 50 cents. WOW! What a difference. I guess cell phones and the internet have really put a damper on the pay phone industry.

Day 138/365 – Playing with Rotation

This was a simple iPhone photo I took outside my work’s building. It’s amazing the difference just some rotation makes to add an artistic effect. At least that’s what I was trying to do. Remember, photo art is not just pointing and shooting. Always take many shots and work on the art part when you post process them. Taking multiple shots used to be expensive with film cameras. It cost nothing now, so what do you have to lose?

Day 137/365 – Another Moon Attempt

Here is another attempt shooting the moon. I can’t seem to get a full moon with the weather lately, so this one will have to do. I took it a few days ago when it was clear out. I think I’m getting better at it. Tell me what you think.

Day 135/365 – Yellow Daisy

I tried to bring out the yellow in this flower and enhanced the the shadows. Let me know what you think. If you have suggestions on how I could make a photo like this better, please let me know. I love constructive criticism.

Day 133/365 – Work Plant

While I was at the office today I decided to take a break from my awesome job. So I went outside to get some air and soak up some vitamin D on this beautiful day. I saw this plant/shrub and wasn’t sure what the name of it was. If you know, please respond to this post.