Day 161/365 – Right Before A Storm

The wind was blowing so hard it was difficult to hold my camera up to the sky. These clouds rolled in so fast, it looked like something out of the movies. I was able to get a few shots in and then I ran into the house. I’m not stupid. 😉

Day 158/365 – Holding A Ball Of Light

I can’t take credit for this photo idea. My friend /johngotts experimented with this type of effect.
I pointed the camera at my recessed light in my studio and placed my hand in front of the camera trying to create the effect of holding a ball of light. When I saw John take this photo, it inspired me. Thanks John!

Day 156/365 – We All Scream For…

Ok, so the ice cream truck actually for once came well before dinner time. Usually they would drive down the street right before the kids needed to eat and they were really hungry. Here is a photo of my kids trying to decide what they want from this M.D.D. (Mobile Dairy Dispenser).

Not in photo: Me getting a Chocolate Eclair ice cream 😉

Day 154/365 – Lonely Cloud

After a long day at work, I was home laying down in my driveway, because that’s what we do and I noticed there was only one cloud in the sky. It was originally shaped as a heart, but by the time I got my iPhone on and got he app open, it lost that shape. But I did manage to get a good lighting effect from the sun on the left. Maybe a little lens flare, which I think is cool looking.

Day 153/365 – While Driving Home!

I was driving home today after running a quick errand so I started up my camera app on my iPhone looking for something to take a quick shot of. Sure, texting/surfing the internet and driving is illegal, but I was doing neither. When will they have a no photo taking law while driving?

I edited this photo like crazy, but I think the final product looks good. Let me know what you think.