Day 295/365 – You Got Your Tongue In My Peanut Butter

In our household, after we are done with a jar of peanut butter, we sometimes give our dog the treat of cleaning it out. Yes, it’s not the healthiest thing to give a dog, but they sure do love it 😉 The problem is her tongue is not long enough to get to the bottom of the jar. It’s really funny to watch.

Day 294/365 – Our Dog Looking Out

We recently moved the couches around in our living room. Now one is under the window. Bindy, our dog, finally figured out that she could climb up on the couch and look out the window. Taken with the iPhone 4S. Great camera on this device!

Day 288/365 – Crabs

Today we bought out kids their first real pets. A couple of hermit crabs. The green one is Jenna’s and she calls it Beauty. The longer one is Ryan’s and he named it Scortch.